TFR is over. But check out TFR's owner new project for this year
Willa 2010

WILLA is the new thematic party run by Gallermic, the creator of TFR and Narziß, two regular events that grew into an unparalleled mediatic tour de force inside of the world of fashion and art, due to an exuberant visual and intellectual attack against mainstream culture in the Japanese society and in the globalized world. Taking into account this background, Willa is the ultimate sophisticated scenario to present Gallermic’s authentic reflections about life, the world, the human being, the good and the evil, the culture, the art scene, and most of all an excuse to show Galle’s exuberant ability to love. The objective of the party is to generate love and communication through a universal symbolism that reaches everybody’s heart. As Galle declares: “Willa is a party for the good flowers”.

日本語\\\\WILLA は、ファッションとアートの世界に偉大な功績を残した二つのパーティー、TFRとNarzißの創設者、Gallermicによる新しいパーティーである。日本社会とグローバライズ化された世界の主流のカルチャーに対する、圧倒的な視覚体験と知性による反撃を意図して開催されて来た。こうした背景を鑑み、WILLAは、Gallermicにとっての日常、世界、人類、善と悪、カルチャー、アートシーン、そしてとりわけGalleの愛についての表象を、究極に洗練された物語として送り届ける。このパーティーの目的は、すべての人々の心に届く普遍的な象徴を通して、愛とコミュニケーションを慈しみ、育むことにある。Galleの言葉を借りれば、「WILLAは善き花々へのパーティーである」。

Ciao For Now. And Deep Throat To You All!
↓↓↓Narziß Final 12/12↓↓↓
12/12 Next Narziß is The Last Narziß 12/12
↓↓↓Ciao For Now. And Deep Throat To You All!↓↓↓

~> Dec 12 (fri) 10P Narziß Celebrating *Ciao For Now. And Deep Throat to You All!* at Trump Room, Shibuya.

Next Narziß is the last Narziß, our last party: an erotic fantastic farewell. We are saying bye-bye after 21 parties: it's like the magical 7 x 3, the number of the perfection by excellence and of the individuality according to the numerology. For us is inhuman and perfect: like a triangle. For how extraordinary have We been all this time, after all... It’s arousing: Ciao for now. And deep throat to you all!

P.s. We don't want to be uncouth (but we want to be called uncouth), BUT this is the last party, the last photos, and the last chance to represent your groovy self... and there is NO turning back!

↓↓↓Narziß 11.29↓↓↓

A socialite preview from last Narziß celebrating "Dame With Eggs". Among the guests were French writer Isabelle Nobouta, Yoshiko Kris-Webb and Martin Webb, performer Lauren Levitt as Cotton Bale, Trippple Nippples' Qrea, photographer Zoren Gold (MiZo), Dolomites' Stefanko Balkano, musician Allon Beausoleil, Niche's Jesus Salinas. Music selected by Qrea, allon, Stefanko and TFR. All the photos soon on
↓↓↓Narziß 11.21↓↓↓

A socialite preview from last Narziß celebrating "Netochka Nezvanova And The Master Of None". Among the guests were writer Ryosuke Handa, legendary drag queen Vivienne Sato, Swedish designer Patrik Soderstam, Trippple Nippples' Qrea, New York's performer Kyoko, Uburoi's designer Mitsue Iwata, Gallery Naruyama's Jason, Niche's Jesus Salinas, Gimme Um's Pierre and NarziB's image Sono. Music selected by Mc Carrabeener, Jesus and TFR. All the photos soon on
↓↓↓Narziß 11.8↓↓↓

A socialite preview from last Narziß celebrating "The Innuendo Of La Maja Desnuda" and the host Gallermic's birthday. Among the guests were Martin Webb & Yohiko Kris-Webb, musician Allon Beausoleil, legendary drag queen Vivienne Sato, photographer duo Minori & Zoren (MiZo), Trippple Nippples' Qrea, New York's performer Kyoko, M-Flo's singer Verbal, Chanel Japan's Nicolas Lefeuvre, Uburoi's designer Mitsue Iwata, curators Kiku Kudo & Ishiguro, Gallery Naruyama's Jason, French writer Isabelle Nobouta, Gimme Um's Pierre, Dazed&Confused's Sakiko, Vogue Hommes' Emi, Sister's Fuyuri, Rereremojojo, Shima's Sachiko and NarziB's image Sono. Music selected by Mademoiselle Yulia, Zoren, Cooldisco'1drink' and TFR. All the photos soon on
More details and the complete party report on (Or scroll down...)

Interview in Enlgish:
DAZED: Could you tell me about the party that you are organizing right now? (The name of the party / When did you start having it? / How often are you having it? Etc… Give me the details!)
TFR: The name of the party is NarziB. Basically, NarziB is held every other week at Tokyo's most stylish spaces. We started the party from March 8th 2008.

DAZED: After establishing the party "TFR", you started having another party called "NarziB", what are the conceptual differences between those two? Also, what are the unite concepts?
TFR: TFR is a web magazine critiquing fashion, art and club culture in Tokyo. What differentiates TFR from other media is that we clarify our position and criteria on the issues we cover. The party we organized under the name of TFR was supposed to be the manifestation of our opinion. Therefore, we attempted to represent it through our fashion, the title of each party, flyer and everything. Basically, the concept of TFR parties were rather political and aggressive (ex. anti-globalization). We believe that TFR is something like a visual guerrilla trying to attack the mainstream culture. On the other hand, NarziB is a side project of TFR. Compared with TFR, NarziB doesn't necessarily intend to represent an opinion. It is merely for fun and networking. To us, there seemed like in Tokyo the so-called "community" is virtually non-existent. We want NarziB to be a cultural community for beautiful and individual people. We don't play loud music in NarziB. We want our guests to talk and know each other. NarziB is not fashion-oriented. A wide variety of people with different background are welcomed. As a matter of fact, our guests range from cultural figures like a film actor and an art curator to bohemian homeless. At the same time, NarziB is devoted to beauty. We have dress code for each party and the poor-dressed will not be admitted.

DAZED: Who writes the manifest for the parties?
TFR: Gallermic Mabuse

DAZED: How do you select DJs? Do you have a guideline for it?
TFR: We think there is a ridiculous overvaluation of the DJ nowadays. Specially in Tokyo, the Dj culture has reach the limit of idolatry, to become a Dj is the last burst of the ambition of the club kids. But why? It is like for Japanese there wouldnt be other way to be a star. And we consider that Dj ambition a misery of personality, lack of talent, and the worst tragedy of the parties along with Rave. Therefore, We are not music oriented. We want our visitors to get excited by interaction with beautiful people, to create community, icons and gossips. We rather select our guest Dj's by their cultural background and their beauty, and we called them the oldfashioned way: "selectors". Sometimes we dont even know who is gonna dj next party, we just improvised. Nevertheless, our music selection is rich. A wide range of classical, jazz, gypsy, global grooves, house, auld lang syne and cinephiliac music.

DAZED:What was the start of taking party snaps?
TFR: Just recording our memories.

DAZED: What/which kind of moment would you like to capture when you take photos?
TFR: Whenever as long as the subject is beautiful.

DAZED: What do you think about Tokyo party scene? How do you like to be placed in?
TFR: We don't really know what kind of parties are going on in Tokyo. We don't want to take ourselves within the context of Tokyo or anywhere on the earth. We prefer being regarded as a metaphysical concept without being restricted by biased idea, the name of a city or a country would possibly give.

DAZED: Could you tell me about the fashion style of the TFR guests? Do you have a special dress code?
TFR: Dress code = Individuality. Nothing is more important.

DAZED: Tell me about the concept of the exhibition you had this year, "POST NO FUTURE" at hiromiyoshii gallery.
TFR: Fashion is hentai. We can not help the association between something as superficial and hedonistic as fashion and the mere sexual pleasure full stop. Therefore, for us, a fashion personae who is not a hentai, it is an impostor, a traitor, an alienated puritan in disguise following trends who might just finish his days without a notion of personal style nor fashion itself. Fashion can be zoophiliac, necrophiliac, paediophiliac, dendrophiliac...all the paraphilias. And this can sound as obscene as fascinating, but most of all we are just trying to give an idea of the precariety of fashion these days. We spread fashion in all senses, and are here only to encourage creativity in personal hentalism.

DAZED: Do you have any plans to start up a new project?
TFR: Travel report by TFR's half Naokoula who is in a world round trip right now. And UBUROI, a fashion label for people who likes concepts like NarziB.

Thanks Dazed&Confused

↓↓↓TFR On The World-Round Trip↓↓↓
TFR's half Naokoula is in the middle of the world-round trip. She started writing about her experience on TFR...

english\\\\What is recorded here is not necessarily our experience. It can be an absolute fiction all made up in our head, or as a matter of possibility, something we MIGHT have experienced, or perhaps something we DID experience but in some other place or time. We have two kinds of journeys at the same time: the outward and inward. Our outward journey is governed by the clock and the budget, but inward one ignores the boundaries of place and time. The journey is not linear.It is always back and forth. And it is what we want to record, leaving us free from the time and the physical distance. Here, we deny the calender. We deny the map... (To read more, scroll down)

japanese\\\\ここに書かれていることは、私たちが実際に体験した出来事かもしれないし、もしかしたらすべて私たちの頭の中だけで作り上げられた完全なフィクションかもしれない。もしくは、可能性の問題で、体験しなかったけれども、体験した「かも」しれない出来事、また、私たちが体験したことだけれど、どこか違う場所で違う時間に体験した出来事かもしれない。私たちは、同時に2種類の旅をしている。身体的な旅が1つ。もう一つは精神的な旅。そしてその旅は、直線じゃない。そういう形の旅は、いつも行ったり来たりを繰り返す。そんな時間軸や物理的な距離に捉われない旅を私たちは記録したいと思っている。私たちは、カレンダーを否定する。私たちは、地図を否定する... (To read more, scroll down)

español\\\\Lo que grabamos aqui no es necesariamente nuestra experiencia. Puede ser una ficcion absoluta completamente inventada en nuestra cabeza, o una cuestion de posibilidad, algo que PUDO habernos pasado, o tal vez algo que SI experimentamos pero en algun otro tiempo o espacio. Nosotros tenemos dos tipos de viaje al mismo tiempo: exterior e interior. Nuestro viaje exterior esta gobernado por el reloj y el presupuesto, pero el interior ignora los limites del tiempo y el lugar. El viaje no es lineal. Es siempre de ida y vuelta. Y es lo que queremos grabar, dejandonos libres del tiempo y de la distancia fisica. Aqi, nosotros negamos el calendario. Nosotros negamos el mapa... (To read more, scroll down)

↓↓↓TFR In V Magazine ↓↓↓
This is how New York's famous V Magazine presents TFR in V53 index ~> "Underworld: If there’s any way Tokyo club kids could get any crazier, send us picture evidence". To top it all off, TFR is featured along with Isablle Adjani, Hunter S. Thompson et Dennis Hopper..FEAR AND LOATHING!!! Now on sale in Tokyo at Tower Records, Aoyama Book Center et Tutaya Roopongi Hills.

Thanks V

english\\\\ Apart from the off-upon sadomasochistic clothing, what else has been done in order to represent the fetishism of human beings or, going beyond, the universe of sexual deviations? [CHECK OUT OUR EXHIBITION ABOUT PARAPHILIAS, CLIC IMAGE]


español\\\\ Además de la ultra mañoseada vestimenta sadomasoquista, ¿qué más se ha hecho en aras de representar el fetichismo de los seres humanos o, yendo más allá, el universo de las desviaciones sexuales? [CHEKEA NUESTRA EXHIBICION SOBRE PARAFILIAS, HAZ CLIC EN LA IMAGEN]


english\\\\JAPANESE DON'T USE THEIR FREEDOM. It's not that we believe that a perfect place exists on the Earth. But if there is something close to it, it is the subculture -the space where we can find that and those who we are looking for-, or specifically that type of independent, free, countercultural, philosophic and bold community. Lamentably, it is in this sense of subculture /community where we bump into the weakest and most demoralizing point of Japanese society. [TO READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE ABOUT THE JAPANESE SOCIOCULTURAL REALITY, CLIC IMAGE BELLOW]

español\\\\LOS JAPONESES NO USAN SU LIBERTAD. No es que creamos que exista un lugar perfecto sobre la Tierra. Pero si hay algo cercano a eso es la subcultura -el espacio donde podemos encontrar eso y a esos a quienes estamos buscando-, o específicamente aquel tipo de comunidad independiente, libre, contracultural, filosófica y atrevida. Lamentablemente, es en este sentido de subcultura/comunidad donde nos topamos con el punto más débil y desmoralizador de la sociedad japonesa. [PARA LEER TODO EL ARTICULO SOBRE LA REALIDAD SOCIOCULTURAL JAPONESA, HAZ CLIC EN LA IMAGEN]

↓↓↓TFR IN NYC↓↓↓
Feat. The NYC Personalities Of the Moment [clic image]
My Photo
Location: Tokyo, Japan

we are a space of FREEDOM, FRESHNESS and ESCAPISM. from this perspective, we are one of the very FEW ORIGINAL MEDIA -and definitely the one that has the MOST TENACIOUS and CRITICAL OPINION- related to the 'WORLD OF FASHION'. yes, world we belong to, but also world we find abhorrent because it's representing the most visible side of the pseudo-well-being [CONSUMERISM], that behind glamourous SMOKE SCREENS [generally starred by 'MODELS' and 'POP STARS'], and making use of the so-called 'TRENDS', spreads the most recalcitrant STEREOTYPES of CAPITALISM and its just-apparent GLOBALIZATION... at THEFASHIONRAMONE [a.k.a TFR] you will find, then, the best alternative in fashion design and counterculture!!!!!


Sunday, May 06, 2007



日本語\\\\米国では賛否両論の二極化が激しいAshes and Snow展に行く。日本では、自分が見る限り、批判的な意見はほとんどゼロに近い。
Ashes and Snowは、写真家グレゴリー・コルベールによる現在も進行中のプロジェクト。グレゴリー・コルベールは、15年以上にわたり、インド、エジプト、ミャンマー、トンガ、スリランカ、ナミビア、ケニア、南極、アゾレス諸島その他の地域で人間と自然の交流をテーマに写真を撮り続けている。
2002年、Ashes and Snowはヴェネツィアのアーセナルで初めて公開。その後ニューヨーク、カリフォルニアのサンタモニカを経て、現在東京お台場に移動。運送用のコンテナやリサイクル可能な材料でこのミュージアムは作られており、50枚を超える写真による大型芸術作品、60分の映像1本、9分の動画2本を見ることが出来る。この遊動展示館は今後世界中を旅して回る予定だが、最終的な目的地は決まっていない。

スケジュール: 2007年3月11日~2007年6月24日
       月曜~木曜 11:00-19:00, 金曜~日曜、祭日 10:00-22:00
アーティスト: グレゴリー・コルベール
アクセス: ゆりかもめ『お台場海浜公園駅』または『青海駅』から徒歩3分
料金: 一般 ¥1900, 高・大学生 ¥1600

→ by Fantômas N

TFR @ THE NOMADIC MUSEUM(c)Gregory Colbert

english\\\\The exhibition Ashes and Snow has brought on active debates over its pros and cons in the U.S., on the other hand, I find almost no criticism against the exhibition in Japan.
Ashes and Snow is an ongoing project by Gregory Colbert who, over the course of 15 years, has made more than 40 expeditions to India, Egypt, Myanmar, Tonga, Sri Lanka, Namibia, Kenya, Antarctica, the Azores, Borneo, Belize, and many other locations to photograph interactions between man and nature's living masterpieces.
Ashes and Snow was first revealed to the public at the Arsenale in Venice, Italy, in 2002, then travelled to New York City and Santa Monica, California. Constructed primarily out of shipping containers and other recyclable materials, the exhibition, which consists of more than 50 large-scale photographic artworks, a 60-minute feature film, and two 9-minute films, has been on display at the Nomadic Museum in Odaiba, Tokyo, from March 11 through June 24, 2007. Its final destination has been yet unknown.
The exhibition was nothing like an animal documentary - it was rather surreal art. The magical serenity throughout those images made me to recall mythical bestiary and biblical imagery.
The criticism in the U.S. seems derived from national perpetual nightmare (you may call it guilty conscience), and there is nothing surprising that I see no criticism like that in Japan. I mention this difference here because I always would like to be keenly aware of the unconscious cultural influence on my interpretation. I see that Mr. Colbert is an artist trying to depict not the REAL world but his INTERNAL world, and I believe no one is entitled to judge his work as "pseudo-profundity". However, aside from my prior knowledge about advance reviews, I must admit that there is something in this exhibition that distracts me from enjoying his art itself. Something that activates my left brain instead of the other side. It is ironic; the more I wish to get rid of the influence of an ideology, the more I feel captured in the system... In either case, the show was perfectly organized to maximize the effect of his works with the ethereal architecture by a renowned Japanese architect, Shigeru Ban. With the unique concept of exotic travelling museum, you would be able to experience the extraordinary atmosphere. It's well worth seeing, so please get yourself down to the exhibition and let me know your opinion.

Schedule: From 2007-03-11 To 2007-06-24
Venue Hours: Monday-Thursday open 11:00-19:00 , Friday-Sunday and National Holidays open 10:00-22:00
Artist: Gregory Colbert
Access: 3 minutes walk from Odaiba Kaihin Koen and Aomi Stations on the Yurikamome Line, 1 minute walk from Tokyo Teleport Station on the Rinkai Line
Fee: Adults 1900 yen, University and High School Students 1600 yen

-> by Fantômas N

TFR @ THE NOMADIC MUSEUM(c) Gregory Colbert

TFR @ THE NOMADIC MUSEUM(c) Gregory Colbert

TFR @ THE NOMADIC MUSEUM(c) Gregory Colbert




Anonymous Anonymous said...

i went to the exhibition, i also think it is hard to separate this real factor from golbert's art...but it was impressive, definitely. but i can't believe golbert didnt use digital effects!

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'est pour moi purement commercial, exploitant au max. les moyens de média, marketing et la nécessité du spiritualisme dont les gens cherchent désespérément aujourd'hui. Dans le pays comme le Japon isolé du monde, où le peuple vit en paix quasi absolu, dans le respect mutuel et la gentillesse, ce genre d'expo. pourraient marcher et avoir un succès. Mais je me demande au fond ce que recherche véritablement ce M. Colbert , possédant très certainement un moyen financier considérable, à travers tout ce voyage ... Aussi, j'apprécie guère que M. Colbert lui- même se met en protagoniste dans ces voyages ... j'espère qu'il fait un don en secret auprès des peuples qu'il rencontre et qui souffrent de la famine, de la pauvreté , de la maladie , des guerres civiles ou d'autres fléaux.

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