日本語\\\\ 決して忘れない-> FANCYHIM 2ND ANNIVERSARY, エキセントリックでムラムラして酔っ払ってハイになったトライセクシュアルたちの海、そこには泥棒までいた!!!... LEO, 倒錯屍の花嫁、ヴェールとランジェリーだけ身につけて、ファックされる準備万端。カフケスクと信仰の狭間の表情を浮かべて、まるでリマの聖女ローズにさえ見えた... TAP,ピエロの変装をしたbitch... HIROM, うっとうしいウサギ, 今すぐここでぶっ殺して埋めてやりたい... NAKAO PINK NIPPLES, 煙草吸って飲んでオッパイ見せて、しかも全部同時に、まるでもう明日は無いかのように... KASKAY DISGUSTING ORANGE, 気持ち悪い倒錯者、でも結局コケティッシュ... DJ MONDO, 前回よりさらにコケティッシュ... DENKI HITSUJI, ボレロに身を包んだサーカスのエキゾティックバレリーナ、しみったれた泥棒顔...FUYURI vs. YUKA, 懐かしのバニー・パンク... そして RYUZO RED ARMPITS, ネオンレッドのフェロモンが見える程セクシー、ネオンレッドに輝くワキ、乳首、そしてもちろんアソコも!!!
english\\\ we-ll never forget-> FANCYHIM 2ND ANNIVERSARY, an ocean of excentric-horny- drunk-drugged trisexuals, there were even thieves!!!... LEO, the corpse-transvestite bride, ready to be fucked, veil and lingerie and nothing else, and his expression between kafkaesque and devout, he even looked like Saint Rose of Lima... TAP, the bitch in disguise of clown... HIROM, the annoying rabbit, we wanna murder and bury him right here right now... NAKAO PINK NIPPLES, smoking, drinking and showing her tits, all at the same time, as if the world was going to end... KASKAY DISGUSTING ORANGE, a gross tranvestite, but magisterially coquettish after all... DJ MONDO, more coquettish than the former... DENKI HITSUJI, a circus exotic ballerina, in bolero, and petty thief face...FUYURI vs. YUKA, the bunny punks, nostalgic after all... and RYUZO RED ARMPITS, so sexual that you could see his pheromones, they were neon red, shining in his wings, in his nipples, and surely in between his parts!!!
español\\\\ nunca olvidaremos -> a FANCYHIM 2ND ANNIVERSARY, la mar de trisexuales excéntricos, salidos, borrachos y drogados, hasta ladrones han habido!!!... a LEO, la novia travesti cadaver, listo para ser follado, velo y lingerie y nada mas, y su expresión entre kafkiana y devota, si hasta parecia Santa Rosa de Lima… a TAP, la bitch disfrazada de payaso… a HIROM, el conejo borde, lo queremos asesinar y enterrar right here right now… a NAKAO PINK NIPPLES, fumando, bebiendo y enseniando las tetas, todo al mismo tiempo, como si el mundo se fuera a acabar… a KASKAY DISGUSTING ORANGE, una travesti warra, pero magistralmente coquetosa después de todo… a dj MONDO, mas coquetosa que la anterior… a DENKI HITSUJI, una bailarina circense exotica, de bolero, y cara de ratera… a FUYURI Y YUKA, las bunny punk, nostalgicas después de todo… y a RYUZO RED ARMPITS , tan salido que se le veian las feromonas, eran rojas neon, brillaban en sus alas, en sus tetillas, y seguro que entre sus partes!!!
best fashion- LEO BRIDE [fancyhim]. RYUZO RED ARMPITS [tfr]. TAP CLOWN [fancyhim]. NAKAO PINK NIPPLES [tfr model]. HIROM BUNNY [fancyhim]. DOG TRANSVESTITE [clubkid]. DENKI HITSUJI CIRCUS [clubkid]. KASKAY DISGUSTING ORANGE [fancyhim]. SHIZUKU GROOM [fancyhim]. MONDO [dj]. FUYURI et YUKA BUNNY-PUNKS [tfr yarimanchinz.dog]. PUNCO [faline]. FUR BOOTS BOY [???].IMARIS BLUE NET [thebambiest]. MAIMAI LADY [tfr yarimanchinz.candy]. MADOKA COCKTAIL [fancyhim]. E-GALLIANO [TFR].
best hair- NAKAO wave [tfr model]. MADOKA fringe [fancyhim]
best make up- TAP new clown [fancyhim]. RYUZO armpits [tfr]. FUYURI et YUKA cubist face [tfr yarimanchinz.dog]. KASKAY disgusting [fancyhim]. E-GALLIANO netface [tfr]
best fashion toy- HIROM rabbit helmut [fancyhim].
best headdress- HIROM rabbit helmut [fancyhim]. LEO [fancyhim]. SHIZUKU [fancyhim]. RYUZO half wig [tfr]. FUYURI et YUKA bunny [tfr yarimanchinz.dog]. IMARIS blue net [thebambiest]
best wig- TAP [fancyhim]. KASKAY [fancyhim]
best pair look- LEO + SHIZUKU bride et groom [fancyhim]. FUYURI et YUKA BUNNY-PUNKS [tfr yarimanchinz.dog].
best foxie - NAKAO [tfr model]
best hottie- TAP [fancyhim]
best bitch - TAP [fancyhim]
best hentai- RYUZO [tfr]
fashion spot- MY PERSONAL HENTAI
* our criteria is tyrannically subjective. It is based on our fine sensibility towards the vanguard in fashion design, in styling, in superfitial heresies and club musics. Despite our nihilism, we still want to create a better world.↓↓↓CLIC EACH POSTER IN ORDER TO SEE ITS REAL SIZE↓↓↓

Labels: fancyhim 2nd anniversary underground fashion club party tokyo tfr