Golden Week

Gallermic Tanaka
Translation by Fumi
Golden Week\\\\English
It-s the orient-s answer to america-s spring break, it-s the converted catholic country-s equivalent of holy week... as a matter of fact, with such opulent denomination, Golden Week is undoubtly the most sybaritic week on the Japanese calendar...
{Within our neobaroque circuit the celebrations couldn't be more radical. The week kicked off with a couple of infamous sluts who left us bruised from their euphoric gig, TO an icecream afternoon resulting in a fashion cults new store opening..}

Gallermic Tanaka
Special Thans to Sarah Potplant
Golden Week\\\\Espanol
Es la respuesta oriental al spring break americano, o el equivalente a la semana santa de los paIses catOlicos confesos. En efecto, con semejante denominaciOn opulenta, la Golden Week es literalmente la semana de vacaciones mAs sibarita y estimulante del JapOn...
{Dentro de nuestro circuito neobarroco las situaciones no podrian haber sido mas radicales, sucedio DESDE un par de forasteras infames que nos dejaron moreteados en pleno gig euforico, HASTA una tarde de helados en la nueva sucursal de unas lIderes fashion... }

Gallermic Tanaka